Gene Conserve

An electronic journal devoted to plant genetic resources:
Their formation, conservation and utilization
ISSN 1808-1878

   Editorial Board

Indexed in CAB, CAB International, Latindex,
Agris, SPARC Europe, EBSCO and DOAJ


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Reprints 1978

Wild Manihot Species Of Central Brazil For Cassava Breeding

Nagib M.A. Nassar

Canadian Journal of Plant Science, v. 58, n.2, p. 257-261, 1978.


Hydrocyanic acid content in some wild Manihot species (cassava) species.

Nagib M. A. Nassar and Suzette S. Fichtner

Canadian Journal of Plant Science , v. 58, p. 577-578, 1978.


Some further species of Manihot with potential value to cassava breeding.

Nagib M.A. Nassar

Canadian Journal of Plant Science , Canada, v. 58, p. 915-916, 1978


Conservation of The Genetic Resources of Cassava, Manihot Esculenta: Determination of Wild Species Localities with emphasis on probable origin.

Nagib M. A. Nassar

Economic Botany, v. 32, n.4, p. 311-320, 1978.


Multiple karyotypes in Individuals of Nothoscordum fragrans Kunth

Nagib M. A. Nassar and Margarida L. R. de Aguiar

Caryologia, Vol. 31, n. 1, 1978




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