An electronic journal devoted to plant genetic resources: Their formation, conservation and utilization ISSN 1808-1878
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Reprints 2002
Tuber Formation and protein content in some wild cassava (Mandioca) species native of central Brazil.
Reprint from EXPERIENTIA (Basel) 33:1304-1305 (1977)
Hydrocyanic acid content in some wild Manihot (Cassava) species.
Nagib M. A. Nassar and Suzette S. Fichtner
Reprint from Canadian Journal of Plant Science 58:577-578 (1978)
Conservation of the Genetic Resources of Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Determination of Wild Species Localities with Emphasis on Probable Origin.
Nagib M. A. Nassar
Reprint from Economic Botany - 32:311-320, July-September (1978)
Protein Content of Cassava Cultivars and its Hybrid with Wild Manihot species.
Nagib M. A. Nassar and Jose G. Dorea
Reprint from Turrialba - vol 32:429-432 (1982)
Genetic Variation of Wild Manihot Species Native to Brazil and Its Potential for Cassava Improvement.
Reprint from Field Crops Res., 13:177-184 (1986)
Biosystematic of wild cassava species (Manihot spp.) based on soluble seed protein patterns.
Dario Grattapaglia, Nagib M. A. Nassar and José C. Dianese
Summary (in English) of a reprint (in Portuguese) from Journal of Brazilian Association for Advancement of Science - 39:294-300 (1987)
Biossistemática de espécies brasileiras do gênero Manihot baseada em padrões de proteína da semente.
Dario Grattapaglia, Nagib M. A. Nassar e José C. Dianese
(the original text in portuguese) from Journal of Brazilian Association for Advancement of Science - 39:294-300 (1987)
Broadening the genetic base of cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, by interspecific hybridization.
Reprint from Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 69:1071-1073 (1989)
Unreduced microspores in cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz clones.
Nelly Vasquez and Nagib M. A. Nassar
Reprint from Indian J. Genet. 54:436-441 (1995)
Overcoming crossing barriers between cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz and a wild relative, M. pohlii Warwa.
Nagib M. A. Nassar, Claudio G. Carvalho and Clibas Vieira
Reprint from Brazilian Journal of Genetics 19:617-620 (1996)
Induction of a productive aneuploid in cassava, M. esculenta Crantz.
Nagib M. A. Nassar, Hala Nagib Nassar, Claudio G. Carvalho and Clibas Vieira
Reprint from Brazilian Journal of Genetics 19:123-125 (1996)
Molecular and embryonic evidence of apoximis in cassava interspecific hybrids (Manihot spp.)
Nagib M. A. Nassar, Marco André Vieira, Clibas Vieira and Dario Grattapaglia
Reprint from Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 98:349-352 (1998)
The transference of apomixis genes from Manihot neusana Nassar to cassava, M. esculenta Crantz.
Nagib M. A. Nassar, Evie Doss Santos and Sandra R. O. David
Reprint from Hereditas. 132:167-170 (2000)
Wild Manihot Species of Central Brazil for Cassava Breeding
Reprint from Canadian Journal of Plant Science 58:257-261 (1977)
Chromosome Number and Meiotic Behaviour of Some Wild Manihot Species Native to Central Brazil.
Reprint from Brazilian Journal of Genetics Vol. 1, Nº 01 (1977)
Three brazilian Manihot species with tolerance to stress conditions.
Reprint from Can. J. Plant Sci, 59: 553-555 (1979)
Natural hybrids between Manihot reptans Pax and M. alutacea Rogers & Appan.
Reprint from Can. J. Plant Sci, 63: 423-425 (1984)
Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, genetic resources: origin of the crop, its evolution and relationships with wild relatives
Nagib M.A. Nassar
Genet. Mol. Res. 1 (4): 298-305 (2002)
Apomixis and cassava
Genet. Mol. Res. 1 (2): 147-152 (2002)
Cassava productivity worldwide:An overview
Revista Ceres, Brasilia, v. 49, n.284, p. 369-381, 2002.
NASSAR, N. M. A. ; Elkholy,H ; Eltantawy,A.
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