Gene Conserve

An electronic journal devoted to plant genetic resources:
Their formation, conservation and utilization
ISSN 1808-1878

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Indexed in CAB, CAB International, Latindex,
Agris, SPARC Europe, EBSCO and DOAJ


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Reprints 2009

Cassava Genetic Resources: Manipulation for Crop Improvement

Nagib M. A. Nassar e Rodomiro Ortiz

Plant Breedins Reviews, Volume 31


Amarelinha do Amapá: a carotenoid-rich cassava cultivar

Nagib M.A. Nassar, P. C. Fernandes, R. D. Melani and O. R. Pires Júnior

Genet. Mol. Res. 8 (3): 1051-1055 (2009)


Cytogenetic and molecular analysis of an apomictic cassava hybrid and its progeny

N.M.A. Nassar, P.T.C. Gomes, A.M. Chaib, N.N. Bomfim, R.C.D. Batista and R.G. Collevatti

Genet. Mol. Res. 8 (4): 1323-1330 (2009)


Internal phloem in an interspecific hybrid of cassava, an indicator of breeding value for drought resistance

D. Graciano-Ribeiro, D.Y.C. Hashimoto, L.C. Nogueira, D. Teodoro, S.F. Miranda and N.M.A. Nassar

Genet. Mol. Res. 8 (3): 1139-1146 (2009)


Nagib Nassar, Geneticist, Botanist and Plant Breeder, Celebrates 50 Years of Teaching and Research


Genetics and Molecular Research 8 (3): 1128-1132 (2009)


Improving Carotenoids and Amino-Acids in Cassava

Nagib M.A. Nassar, Osmindo P. Junior, Marcelo V. Sousa and Rodomiro Ortiz

Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, Vol 1:32-38 (2009)




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