Augusto Cesar Franco



Professor of Plant Physiology at the University of Brasilia, Brazil



He has an undergraduate degree in Ecology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1978), Master in Ecology from the University of Brasilia (1983) and Ph.D. in Biology - University of California Los Angeles (1988). He has carried out postdoctoral studies at San Diego State University (USA) and Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany). He was a visiting Professor at Harvard University (USA) in 2003. He was a Member of the International Group for Scientific Monitoring of the Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest (1997-2002) and has served in several review boards such as the Brazilian National Fund for the Environment, (1992-2000), the RHAE program for Environment, Ministerium for Science and Technology, Brazil (1993-1997). He has also served on the editorial board of the Brazilian Journal of Botany, Biotropica, Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology and was recently appointed to the editorial board of Trees: Structure and Function, starting January 2010. He has an active research program on environmental biology of tropical plants with a particular focus on water relations, photosynthesis and nutrient effects. His research integrates investigations into plant physiological processes at cellular, whole organism and ecosystem scales.

