He has an undergraduate degree in Ecology
at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1978),
Master in Ecology from the University of Brasilia (1983)
and Ph.D. in Biology - University of California Los
Angeles (1988). He has carried out postdoctoral studies
at San Diego State University (USA) and Darmstadt
University of Technology (Germany). He was a visiting
Professor at Harvard University (USA) in 2003. He was a
Member of the International Group for Scientific
Monitoring of the Pilot Program to Conserve the
Brazilian Rain Forest (1997-2002) and has served in
several review boards such as the Brazilian National
Fund for the Environment, (1992-2000), the RHAE program
for Environment, Ministerium for Science and Technology,
Brazil (1993-1997). He has also served on the editorial
board of the Brazilian Journal of Botany, Biotropica,
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology and was recently
appointed to the editorial board of Trees: Structure and
Function, starting January 2010. He has an active
research program on environmental biology of tropical
plants with a particular focus on water relations,
photosynthesis and nutrient effects. His research
integrates investigations into plant physiological
processes at cellular, whole organism and ecosystem